My brothers friend

by Emma True stories Messages Add a comment

I am 17 years old Muslim girl . Em crazy about my brothers friend . He comes to our house very often it all started on my brothers wedding he stared me where ever I went he even smile at me wen we had I contact . He was engaged before but just before a few weeks in his marriage he broke up. He wasn't sad at all he came to our house told us all his story nd then told my mum to find him a girl. He even told my brother to get him married to someone from his family. He is so adorable all my family likes him nd so do I. He is exactly like a partner I wanted

Do u guys think he likes me? Or it's just me over thinking?

Tell me wht shud I do? Shud I talk to him abt it or wait for him to approach me or my family? Need ur advice? If u were in my place what wud u do??? Help Plzzz