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I can’t stop loving him

Hello!I want to share my problem with you. I know that many of you will judge me, accuse me. And they will be right, I myself do not approve of my action, I cannot accept this. In my life so...

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C'est la vie

The curse of unrequited love

The author's name is obscured

Two years ago I fell dangerously in love with a man. He was here from another city, but I wanted him to settle here. I won't tell you how we met, it's not that important. I fell madly in love with him, we became very close, we spent 12 hours a day together. Only when we slept were we separated. I gave everything to him, I was really madly in love. We were inseparable together for 8 months, we talked about everything, we did everything together.He was in love with my sister. I'm not going to tell you what age...

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True love

by Dreamgal

He took my interview. Was a gentle, young and handsome guy. I did not fare well in the interview. However. I was surprised to receive a call from the organization.During training, I found the guy several times in the room and sitting next to me. I was not sure as to what was the profile on this guy. When I was placed in the production, I found that he was my team lead. He was so co-operative, understanding. There were few gestures of his which made me feel that he likes me. However. I was not sure. Once we planned...

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Am I jealous or is he a flirt?

by Pegi

I’m trying to find the answer to this question and it’s really hard for me, believe me! I truly love my husband with whom we’ve been married for 8 years, the first 3 of which we spent living separately in different countries. Now we are already together. In the beginning everything was perfect and I even feared sharing this with others because people say “it’s too good to last”. So, I’ve noticed recently that when we are in a company with handsome men my husband is constantly around me and he is very kind and affectionate to me....

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Do I have a chance for a fresh start?

The author's name is obscured

Hello girls! For some time I have been hesitating in which direction to continue my life, and time passes. I hope to hear your objective opinion. Sometimes things are better seen from the side.Well, in short - I'm 31, married for many years, we have no children. My husband is not a bad person - he helps me in the household, he is skillful, he does not raise scandals, he does not beat me. But I don't feel happy. The problem is that his only entertainment is beer, TV, and the computer. We don't go out together, we rarely have...

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He came back! Why?

The author's name is obscured

Hello!I would very much like to share with you and read side opinions. Some time ago I had a relationship with a rather inappropriate man. And before that, I had feelings for another man, as well as he for me, but everything was platonic. However, I always knew we would be together one day.At the end of my relationship with the Inappropriate, I met another man with whom I knew I had no future, but we started dating, and at one point I realized I couldn't stop.We had seen each other for about 2 weeks when he admitted he had...

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He is the man of my life

The author's name is obscured

Lots of lies and that was the end of it all.I wanted to be with him, unconditionally, without depending on anyone. He appeared unintentionally in my life, through my father - he introduced us as they would work together.Everything is very confusing. I feel that way myself. Well, my father introduced me to this man at a disco and introduced him as his future boss. I didn't even know then what would happen and how everything would go. I don't know where he found my phone number, I don't want to ask, but it so happened that we went out,...

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